by Liza Janda | Jan 31, 2017 | acupuncture, Acupuncture in pregnancy, Natural Birth Stories |
ACUPUNCTURE WORKS TO START LABOR! The day before my due date I went to my very first acupuncture appointment to help stimulate labor. I called before going in and told him that my midwives suggested acupuncture to stimulate labor. On the phone, he explained to me how...
by Liza Janda | Oct 25, 2016 | Bradley Method, Group B Strep & Pregnancy, Natural Birth Stories |
On 9/22, my actual due date, I got up to use the bathroom at 5 am and my bag of waters broke. I was really excited that our baby was on his way. But the first thing that came to mind was disappointment that I wouldn’t be able to labor in the tub. The risk of...
by WP Management Team Dev | Feb 5, 2015 | Doulas I Know
I’ve always had a love for birth. I love learning about birth, reading birth stories, seeing and taking photographs at births. Once I became pregnant, I knew I wanted to take The Bradley Method® because of how much it helped my sister with her three births. When my...
by WP Management Team Dev | Dec 26, 2014 | Natural Birth Stories
Our sweet little baby boy Daniel entered the world via an all natural water birth – a Bradley Method water birth – at Babies in Bloom at 12:26 am on Monday, December 15. He weighed 7 lbs, .2 oz and is 20 in. long. Our due date was December 11 and...
by WP Management Team Dev | Mar 18, 2013 | Bringing Baby Home Postpartum Care
What do you really need after bringing baby home? One of my students gave this advice to her fellow Bradley Method students for bringing baby home, in an email, after her baby was 6 days old. What a wise woman, after only 6 days! Bringing baby home requires some...