by WP Management Team Dev | Jul 26, 2012 | Yoga and Pregnancy
Have you been looking for Prenatal Yoga in Carlsbad? Different studios say they have it but it’s not on their schedule. You won’t find any prenatal yoga classes in Carlsbad, but you will find us only 6 miles from downtown Carlsbad. Our prenatal yoga...
by WP Management Team Dev | Jul 21, 2012 | Yoga and Pregnancy
Research has shown that practicing prenatal yoga 3 times a week can: Shorten labor Lessen labor pain How? Synchronization of breath awareness and muscle relaxation help to decrease tension. For pregnancy, this also reduces the laboring mother’s perception of pain...
by WP Management Team Dev | May 24, 2012 | Yoga and Pregnancy
PREGNANT WOMEN GENERATE HEAT ALL ON THEIR OWN So many pregnant women show up at my prenatal yoga classes saying, “I haven’t practiced yoga in months. I used to do hot yoga, but stopped when I became pregnant. ” These moms are smart because Hot Yoga...