by Liza Janda | Apr 21, 2016 | Bradley Method, Easier Labor & Birth |
I occasionally get phone calls from pregnant women who say,” I’m due in 3 weeks and I’m looking for a childbirth class. Do you have a class coming up?” To be honest, I really want to reach through the...
by Liza Janda | Jan 7, 2016 | Bradley Method |
The Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth® teaches expecting parents that labor and birth are natural physical processes of the body. The process of birth is inherently safe unless you start labor artificially, speed it up artificially, remove pain by using medication....
by Liza Janda | Dec 17, 2015 | Easier Labor & Birth, Labor and Birth Advice |
Do We Really Need More Cesareans? Yesterday, an article from The Washington Post appeared in our San Diego Union Tribune. “ Researchers believe that raising the World Health Organization’s recommended rate of C-sections beyond the current 10-15% could result in fewer...