by Liza Janda | Jan 17, 2020 | How To Avoid A Labor Induction, Induction of Labor, Informed Consent Questions, Natural Induction, Natural Induction of Labor, Questions to Ask Your Doctor or Midwife, Uncategorized |
Before I write about the actual procedure of labor induction, it’s important to understand the risks and benefits of induction of labor, how common it is, and reasons why women need to be induced, or why they might consider saying no to induction and letting labor...
by Liza Janda | Oct 12, 2018 | baby, Birth Plans, How To Avoid A Labor Induction, Informed Consent Questions, Labor, Recommended Reading For Pregnancy |
I just hate the words “Due Date”! Why do I hate “Due Date”? Because everyone gets so focused on the “Due Date” day and just about everyone thinks their baby will arrive on that day. Well, here I go again bursting bubbles. ONLY 5% OF BABIES ARE BORN ON...
by Liza Janda | Aug 29, 2016 | Uncategorized |
Dear Little Joshua, The weeks leading up to your due date were filled with on the go trips with big brother, Mark. We could hardly wait for your arrival any day! Mark and I went to the zoo, splash pad, library, car wash, chick Fil A, “moo-seum”, etc! We...
by WP Management Team Dev | Jul 22, 2015 | Easier Labor & Birth
Your due date is just an estimate. The estimated due date (EDD) can be off by 2 weeks before and/or after the date you were given. If ultrasound was used to determine your due date, after 22 weeks, it becomes less, and less, and less accurate in predicting due...