by Liza Janda | Sep 11, 2018 | Easier Labor & Birth, How To Avoid A Labor Induction, Natural Induction |
Naturally induce labor and avoid a medical induction. Naturally inducing labor will make labor easier on you and easier on your baby. But if you’re past your due date, chances are pretty good you’re getting pressured to medically induce your labor. These...
by WP Management Team Dev | Aug 17, 2015 | Bradley Method, Natural Birth Stories
Let’s Try Some Natural Labor Induction First This was my first pregnancy, and I was nine days overdue. To avoid a medical induction and to naturally induce labor I tried three methods of natural induction: I took a homeopathic blue cohosh, caulophyllum, (click to...
by WP Management Team Dev | Jul 25, 2015 | Best Cesareans Possible Positive Birth Experiences, Bradley Method
O Boy, I am not even sure where to start with my birth story! It was our wish and plan to deliver at home with a wonderful team of midwives within the 42 week time period, which is the time limit that the state of CA puts on home births. That did not happen. On the...