by WP Management Team Dev | Aug 22, 2015 | Sciatica in Pregnancy Solutions, Yoga and Pregnancy
Yoga Blocks Foam 3″ x 6″ x 9″ from: YogaDirect, LLC What A Pain Sciatica Is! During pregnancy women are dealing with so many of the weirdest physical issues. Everything from making too much saliva-yes that’s a real symptom- to carpal tunnel syndrome...
by WP Management Team Dev | Apr 25, 2014 | Backache in Pregnancy
by Liza Janda AAHCC, ERYT, RPYT Sit in Easy Pose -Sukhasana. Sit on the front edge of a block, or the folded edge of a blanket, or a rolled up yoga mat. This helps to lift the hips higher than the knees and takes pressure off the lower back. Take a few minutes to...
by WP Management Team Dev | Jan 25, 2013 | Backache in Pregnancy, Sciatica in Pregnancy Solutions
See more articles by Liza Janda OUCH! Sciatica in pregnancy! You got through the first trimester nausea and morning sickness, and you were finally feeling better, but now, oh the pain! That pain comes from the sciatic nerve getting compressed by inflammation in the...
by WP Management Team Dev | May 18, 2012 | Backache in Pregnancy
Does a backache always have to come with a pregnancy? Happily, the answer is NO you do not have to suffer from backache in pregnancy! But you’ll have to do a little bit of work to avoid or alleviate that age-old pregnancy complaint of backache in pregnancy. Scroll...