Take heart, pregnant mamas, studies have shown that women who experience morning sickness, nausea, and/or vomiting in early pregnancy have a much greater chance of continuing on to a healthy full-term pregnancy. Morning (& All Day) Sickness may be a good thing! I know! Easy for me to say!
10 Tips For Coping With Morning Sickness in Pregnancy
1. Keep Food by Your Bed. Eat Before Bed. Eat Before Getting Up
Nuts, cheese, whole wheat crackers, dry cereal, a banana, some Greek Yogurt. Before you go to bed at night, eat something with healthy protein in it. You could drink a glass of milk, eat yogurt, or edamame, or almonds – anything protein that appeals to you. Before you get up out of bed in the morning, eat a little snack first to help you avoid morning sickness. Low blood sugar can be one of the contributing factors to feeling nauseated. So try to eat regular very small meals throughout the day. Then get up and get ready for your day.
2. Drink some Dandelion Root Tea or Lemon Tea
Take 2 TBS of lemon juice in some hot water. Sweeten it with good organic maple syrup. Both teas help digestion and help flush the kidneys. They can help reduce your nausea/morning sickness. Dandelion root tea and dandelion leaf tea both help to nourish the liver and process all the extra hormones your body is processing.
3. Eat a Good Breakfast
Before you walk out the door. Make sure your breakfast includes protein too. You need 80-100 grams of protein daily during pregnancy, but only 300 extra calories daily, during pregnancy. Filling up on healthy foods can stave off the nausea. Some ideas for a healthy pregnancy breakfast are eggs, fish, dark green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, nuts, seeds, oatmeal, avocado on toast. Need some additional ideas for healthy and tasty pregnancy breakfasts? Check out my Pinterest Board for some great recipes and ideas!
4. Take Prenatal Vitamins at Night
Taking vitamins on an empty stomach is certain to make you feel that nausea/”morning sickness”. Yet most vitamins say you should take them on an empty stomach. My personal experience is they made me very nauseated. If you need to take an Iron supplement, the best ones to take are real food, like Energizing Iron or Flouradix. New Chapter Perfect Prenatals don’t bother your tummy.
5. Ginger is a Great Remedy
Ginger can be used in a variety of forms. You can drink ginger tea, eat fresh ginger, take ginger supplements, or chew on crystalized ginger when the upset stomach hits. Ginger has been known for centuries to alleviate nausea and morning sickness. Starting your day with hot water and ginger tea is not just delicious, it’s also soothing to the tummy.
6. Homeopathic Remedies are Safe and Effective
If you can consult a homeopath, even better, but some homeopathic remedies to try are: “Professional formulas Nausea/Morning Sickness tincture, Ipecacuanha for vomiting, Nux Vomica if nausea is worse in the morning , Sepia if you’re sensitive to smells or feel depressed about the pregnancy.
7. Acupressure Bands (aka Sea Sickness Bands)
The same kind used for sea sickness are as good for morning sickness nausea. You can wear them all day and night.
8. Acupuncture
Getting acupuncture during pregnancy two times a week has been shown to be effective to reduce the nausea and vomiting caused by pregnancy. Check out this study on the safety of acupuncture in pregnancy. And if you’re afraid of needles, don’t worry. It is as relaxing as a massage. You may even fall asleep while you’re having your treatment, because you are so tranquil and relaxed. All that progesterone in early pregnancy can help induce a much needed nap. Find an acupuncturist who specializes in pregnancy:
9. Peppermint Oil
The smell of peppermint can alleviate the nausea or vomiting of an upset stomach. You can place a drop on your tongue, place a few drops in a bowl of water and place it near you, or use an aromatherapy oil diffuser.
10. Get Lots of Rest
The more you get up and out for a walk during pregnancy – a prenatal yoga class, a swim, or whatever you like to do for exercise, you’ll feel much better once you get moving. You will feel as though lying around and resting will make you feel better. But it just makes you feel even more sluggish and sick. Get Moving! Try my free Prenatal Yoga video. It’s gentle and will make you feel better. I once had a student tell me that the only time she ever felt good during her pregnancies was in prenatal yoga. The poor mom had hyperemesis. That makes you nauseated and vomit throughout the entire 9 months.
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