by Liza Janda | Jan 17, 2020 | How To Avoid A Labor Induction, Induction of Labor, Informed Consent Questions, Natural Induction, Natural Induction of Labor, Questions to Ask Your Doctor or Midwife, Uncategorized |
Before I write about the actual procedure of labor induction, it’s important to understand the risks and benefits of induction of labor, how common it is, and reasons why women need to be induced, or why they might consider saying no to induction and letting labor...
by Liza Janda | Apr 10, 2019 | Induction of Labor, Natural Induction |
Can I Start My Labor with Nipple Stimulation? The answer is both yes and no! Depending on how many weeks along you are in your pregnancy, nipple stimulation can have an effect on your cervix and your uterus. this is one effective natural induction of labor technique....
by Liza Janda | Sep 11, 2018 | Easier Labor & Birth, How To Avoid A Labor Induction, Natural Induction |
Naturally induce labor and avoid a medical induction. Naturally inducing labor will make labor easier on you and easier on your baby. But if you’re past your due date, chances are pretty good you’re getting pressured to medically induce your labor. These...