by Liza Janda | Oct 25, 2016 | Bradley Method, Group B Strep & Pregnancy, Natural Birth Stories |
On 9/22, my actual due date, I got up to use the bathroom at 5 am and my bag of waters broke. I was really excited that our baby was on his way. But the first thing that came to mind was disappointment that I wouldn’t be able to labor in the tub. The risk of...
by Liza Janda | Jul 14, 2016 | Easier Labor & Birth, Group B Strep & Pregnancy |
How and when did this issue of PROM (Premature Rupture Of Membranes) and risk of infection become an urgent problem? It used to be that if you were part of the 10-12% of women who were full term (37-42 weeks), and whose waters broke before labor began, you would just...
by WP Management Team Dev | Jul 7, 2014 | Group B Strep & Pregnancy
Do you have options if you have tested positive for Group B Strep in pregnancy? Below is a table with information from the CDC and what the CDC recommends regarding Group B Strep in pregnancy. Also, included are alternative treatments, natural remedies before labor...