by Liza Janda | Mar 7, 2019 | Bringing Baby Home Postpartum Care, Essential Oils, Healing From Traumatic Birth, Hemorrhoids in Pregnancy and Birth, Swelling |
If you had a vaginal birth, your postpartum “LadyBits” are going to be sore, and swollen. These postpartum healing tips will ease the pain and reduce the swelling “down there” and help you heal faster and feel better. Drink Lots of Water. The...
by Liza Janda | Jul 27, 2016 | Bradley Method, Healing From Traumatic Birth, Labor and Birth Advice |
PICTURE PERFECT PREGNANCY I had a picture perfect pregnancy. It was absolutely blissful! I ate right; exercised almost daily, attended Bradley Method classes, went to prenatal yoga, meditated, practiced relaxation, prayed and created a birth plan dripping in beauty...
by WP Management Team Dev | Jul 21, 2015 | Bradley Method, Healing From Traumatic Birth
The Monday before Ada was born, I woke up at 2 am with intense cramping. I couldn’t sleep, so I rocked on my exercise ball, applied a heating pad to my back, and snacked a bit. The contractions were painful, but I could easily talk through them....
by WP Management Team Dev | Jun 16, 2015 | Healing From Traumatic Birth
My Vision I pictured sitting in my birth pool, Jack Johnson playing in the background, and lavender candles burning. Bringing my beautiful girl earth-side, in my home, with my husband to catch her was my dream for her birth. All of that sounded beautiful to me. Labor...
by WP Management Team Dev | Jun 2, 2015 | Best Cesareans Possible Positive Birth Experiences, Healing From Traumatic Birth
In April 2011 I gave birth to my 3rd child, my first C-section. Four months after my C-section I found myself pregnant with my fourth child, due May 2012. Every baby is a blessing in my eyes, but I was scared and nervous about this pregnancy. The closeness of...
by WP Management Team Dev | Feb 6, 2015 | Healing From Traumatic Birth
During my first pregnancy, I was planning a natural birth. I had a doula and had been researching different natural birth options and different birthing positions. I felt SO ready. When we toured the hospital, I vaguely remember the part at the “O.R.” (operating room)...