by Liza Janda AAHCC, E-RYT 200, RPYT and Birth Guru (Teacher)
5 Simple Solutions to End Constipation in Pregnancy:
1. Lemon Juice & Water in the A.M
Lemons are your secret to a happy to start to every day! Squeeze fresh lemon juice into a glass of water. It’s best to squeeze about one or two tablespoons. You can heat the water or drink it room temperature. If it’s too bitter for you, add a little Stevia to taste. Before you eat or drink anything else in the morning, drink this concoction down and you’ll soon be running to the bathroom to start your day off just right. No more constipation in pregnancy!
2. Dandelion Root Tea
Another drink to get things moving is a tea made with Dandelion Root. If you start your day with this tea, it stimulates a slow digestive system and ends constipation in pregnancy. It can tend to be a bitter tasting tea, so just add some Stevia or some good grade B Maple Syrup to taste. Or add Yacon syrup which is low on the glycemic index. Another great benefit is that it can help reduce any swelling or water retention yet it’s still high in potassium.
3. Drink A Smoothie with Veggies & Fruit
If you’ve got a blender, a Vita mix, or a Ninja blender, pour in some coconut water, or fruit juice. Throw in some green veggies like 1 cup of kale or spinach, 1 cucumber, and an apple. Add some fresh grated ginger and yum! Drink it right away for the best taste. Though whole food is the best source, you can also add a supplement green drink. Eatin gmore fruits and vegetables not only help end constipation but boosts your immune system.
4. Eat More Fruits & Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are 90% water and that helps your digestion whether you’re pregnant or not. So eat up! Try citrus fruits, apples, peaches, and grapes.
5. Drink Plenty of Water – How Much Water Is Enough?
The simplest solution to ending constipation in pregnancy, of course, is to make sure you are drinking enough water daily. The general recommendation is 64 ounces but 10 cups a day or 2.3 litres should be enough. Drink more water during pregnancy if you exercise-about 8 oz. for every 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise. Drinking water with electrolytes in it will help your body absorb what it needs. You can buy packages of electrolytes and add it, or some waters already have it added. That extra fluid can help end that awful constipation in pregnancy, so you can enjoy this special time growing your baby.