In addition to learning how to have the safest and healthiest birth possible, Bradley Method classes teach you how to breastfeed, so ready, set, breastfeed!
- Get a flawless latch. Here’s how to breastfeed: Put baby tummy to tummy with you so she doesn’t have to turn her head at all. Support her head with one hand and tilt her head back till her nose is directly opposite the nipple and her chin is tilted up toward the nipple. With your other hand, hold your breast with the thumb and forefinger far away from the areola. Tickle the baby’s lips with your nipple to stimulate your baby to open her mouth as wide as it can go. As soon as your baby opens her mouth super wide, quickly but gently, with her head still tilted back guide her on to the breast. Bulls-eye!
- Do you hear that gulping? If your baby’s jaw is moving and he is swallowing while nursing, you know he’s latched on correctly and he’s getting milk, and he’s stimulating your body to continue to make more milk. (Also if you are changing 5-7 wet and 2-3 poopy diapers daily, your baby is getting enough)
- Introduce the breast again and again and again. The more often you try to nurse the baby, the faster your milk will come in and the faster your milk supply will increase. Even if your newborn doesn’t seem hungry or is sleepy, try to breastfeed. Most moms can make enough milk when you repeatedly stimulate your body to produce more, by feeding your baby more often, and/or pumping after 3-5 feedings during the day.
- 8 is the magic number. Your baby should nurse at least 8 times a day and appear content and satisfied after breastfeeding.
- You don’t need to supplement with formula and you can exclusively feed your baby your milk, and your milk only, for 6 months or more. See what the AAP says about how important breastfeeding is for you and your baby.
- Get to know your baby’s hunger signals. Turning his head, making little grunting sounds, putting her hands to her mouth, waking up and stretching. The universal “word” or sound for hunger in babies is “Neh”. DON’T WAIT FOR YOUR BABY TO CRY! That is a very late sign of hunger. Nurse baby while he is still calm and communicating his needs to you. Dunstan Baby Language — Learn the universal language of newborn babies
- Don’t put your newborn on a schedule! Pay attention to those hunger signals, above, and respond with another peaceful breastfeeding time together-as often as is needed in those first 8 weeks. You may feel as though nursing is all you are doing. Yes it is! Hang in there! This too shall pass.
- Don’t hesitate to ask for help! Have the contact information for a lactation consultant close at hand. Little problems can turn into big problems when breastfeeding. There are many options for getting help and advice. Find a breastfeeding support group through your hospital, birth center, or online, or through La Leche League International.
- In the first 6-8 weeks, don’t give your baby a pacifier or a bottle if you can help it. Your baby is growing dramatically during these initial weeks and establishing your milk supply and your breastfeeding relationship, and is key to a good healthy start to life. The muscles used in nursing are different from muscles used feeding from a bottle. Once you establish your breastfeeding routine, then you can try a pacifier and pumped milk in a bottle.
- Dress the part. There are so many choices for you today from nursing bras tops that make it a breeze without feeling a breeze! From tops to sleep wear to dresses to nursing bras. Shop Sale Items at Destination MaternityYou can now go anywhere you need to and feed your baby anywhere without sharing with the rest of the world.