By Liza Janda AAHCC, E-RYT, RPYT
1. Epidurals
a. Have been proven safe for babies during labor and birth
b. Are necessary because the pain of labor and birth is unbearable
c. Can cause drops in blood pressure, fetal distress and fever in the mother
d. Can cause difficulty suckling and sleepiness in the newborn which interfere with breastfeeding
e. Can be quite effective in relieving labor pain
f. Increase risk of Cesarean
g. All of the above
h. C & d
i. C,d,e,f
2. Induction of Labor
a. Is necessary 60% of the time
b. Fails 50-60% of the time, ending in an unplanned Cesarean
c. Is necessary when you go past your due date
d. Is necessary when your baby is too big
e. Is necessary only when medically indicated
f. Can cause babies to be born late-term premature
g. Should always be done if your water breaks before labor starts.
h. Can cause admission of babies to the neonatal ICU (intensive care unit)
i. Can cause the need for epidurals and narcotics for pain relief.
j. None of the above
k. All of the above
l. Only b, e, f, h, i
3. Most women avoid caffeine, medications, alcohol during pregnancy. What they don’t know is that hospitals use opiates for pain relief. Opiates:
a. Are derivatives of cocaine
b. Cross the placenta
c. Cause central nervous system depression in babies
d. Can cause altered neurological behavior
e. Cause nausea, dizziness, and itching in the mother
f. Start working in less than five minutes
g. Have been proven safe for baby and mother
h. All of the above
i. None of the above
j. A through f only
4. The number one worry for most pregnant women is:
a. Pain during labor
b. Getting to the hospital on time
c. Getting to the hospital too early
d. A and b
e. A and c
f. None f the above
5. Good nutrition during pregnancy affects:
a. Your baby’s health, today only
b. Your baby’s development from nerves to muscles to bone to brain
c. Ha been shown to reduce incidence of preterm labor and bed rest
d. A only
e. A and B
f. B and c
6. Choosing your caregiver
a. Can affect your risk of having procedures such as cesarean surgery or episiotomy
b. Can affect your baby’s health
c. Is not important. They are all the same
d. All of the Above
e. A and b only
7. When a treatment or intervention is suggested, you should always ask
a. What is the problem? Why is it a problem? How serious is it?
b. Describe the treatment: How is it done? What are the risks/benefits?
c. What are the alternatives? What are the risks/benefits to the alternatives?
d. What if we wait and do nothing?
e. Can we have time alone to talk about it?
f. All of the above
How many answers did you get correct?
0-3 You definitely need to take a childbirth class
3-6 Better ,but…You still need more education and relaxation practice.
7 Pretty good! But you still need to practice relaxation, and learn all you can about the emotional sign posts of labor. Get ready. It’s like training for a marathon. It’s never too late to start! Go to and download your free healthy birth booklet to get started on your way to the safest and healthiest birth possible for you and your baby!
1. i
2. l
3. j
4. a
5. f
6. a
7. f
Where to find a childbirth class