by Liza Janda | Oct 6, 2020 | Breastfeeding, Uncategorized |
Congratulations! You’ve just welcomed a new family member in to the world. Life has turned upside down and now you have to go back to work or school! Now what do you do? There is so much to learn about your baby, how to navigate your life with this new...
by Liza Janda | Jul 10, 2020 | Breastfeeding, Bringing Baby Home Postpartum Care |
Many new moms have real challenges producing enough breast milk to feed their new babies. There are a variety of factors that can affect a woman’s ability to produce enough breastmilk to feed her baby: Infertility issues can also lead to being unable to make...
by Liza Janda | May 2, 2017 | Breastfeeding, Bringing Baby Home Postpartum Care, Postpartum |
by Liza Janda If you’re like most women in the U.S. you probably had a cascade of interventions during labor and birth to help get your baby out. The use of these interventions – IV, epidural, pitocin, analgesia, antibiotics – can often be very helpful but...