If you’ve ever thought, “I hate being pregnant!” I guarantee you that you are not alone. So many people say they love/loved being pregnant, but I sure can’t identify with those people either. I am grateful that I could get pregnant. I am extremely grateful for my kids. But being pregnant was challenging in many ways. There are so many challenges to being pregnant. So if you identify with the title of this blog post, read on. Below are some tips to get you through these long 9 months of pregnancy.
You Are Normal
You’re not a bad mom because you hate being pregnant. You’re not doing anything wrong. So shove that guilt out of the way! It’s a waste of energy. There will be plenty of things to feel guilty about as a parent. So don’t waste your time on this guilt trip now. Being pregnant is hard and can be really uncomfortable. Your body and your emotions are going through so many changes on a daily basis.
There are a lot of things to deal with during pregnancy:
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Back pain
- Multiple trips to the bathroom
- Lack of sleep
- Heartburn
- Gas
- Cravings
- Having to pee ALL THE TIME!
- Stretch marks
- Itchy skin
- Interrupted sleep
- Leg cramps
- Not being able to workout like you used to
- Sciatica pain
- Carpal tunnel issues
- shortness of breath
- Lightning crotch!
- Pregnancy induced acne
- Super strong sense of smell
- Riding the emotional waves – hormones!
I could go on and on. You could probably add a few more signs and symptoms I didn’t list here.
Pregnancy Can Be a Real Drag
- So, admit to yourself and to others that, for you, this pregnancy is challenging. You’re probably saying something out loud others are thinking. It will be a relief to others who feel just like you do. Don’t be afraid to express yourself and present your feelings. Ask for a bit of empathy.
- Let go of that guilt. It’s not doing you any good. You’re not guilty of anything wrong.
- Accept that pregnancy is a hard part of your life and then treat yourself with a little extra kindness.
Ask, “What Would I Do for a Friend in This Situation?”
If you think about it, you would probably treat your friend with some empathy, kindness, thoughtful gestures. So, do that for yourself. Indulge in a nap, a walk with a friend, a special treat, a day off work – whatever kind thing you would do for a friend.
Get Support
There are many ways to find support through your pregnancy:
- Tell your friends and family that you are finding this pregnancy difficult and having to answer questions and comments is off-limits. You can say something like, “Since I’m finding this pregnancy difficult, it would be easier for me to be more positive, if you don’t ask me a lot of questions or draw attention to me.”
- Find an online local group. Look on Facebook to find local support groups for pregnancy and post-partum so you can network with other local moms and moms-to-be.
- Look on Facebook for pregnancy and/or parenting groups. You’ll be amazed at the number of pregnant women who feel the same way you do. You can get (and give) tips, advice, and even just empathy from pregnant women on the other side of this great big planet. You’ll find everything from Natural Birth to Cesarean to MTHFR and PCOS and many other topics and focuses.
Signs of Depression or Anxiety
All those pregnancy hormonal changes can have a huge impact on your mood. If you are feeling overwhelming sadness, anxiety, panic, distress, worry, these are signs of depression and anxiety and you should get professional help. If you’re unable to pull yourself out of feeling isolated, unable to sleep or your eating habits have changed to unable to eat or bingeing, you need to reach out.
Contact your ObGyn or your primary care physician and get a referral to a psychologist or counselor ASAP. Deal with these issues quickly before they affect your physical health and your baby’s health and development. Getting help will ensure you learn tools to cope. You may not enjoy your pregnancy more, but you’ll know how to deal with life’s challenges better and you’ll know when you need to get help in the future. there is an organization that helps with post-partum depression. But it may be helpful to reach out before the baby comes. You can get a referral to someone who can help you make the transition to motherhood. Postpartum Health Alliance
Related Content: Postpartum Depression: Everything You Need To Know