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Bellies To Babies

Pregnancy can create some real challenges to looking nice and put together without breaking the bank! That first trimester can be a doozy! Dealing with nausea, fatigue, and looking like you’re gaining weight can be a real downer. Your co-workers are thinking,” Hmmmm? She’s gaining weight.” But you probably can’t divulge your joyous secret quite yet. And you know they’re talking about how fat you’re looking!

But you still want to look your best. Right? You finally get your energy back in the 2nd trimester but DARN IT, nothing fits anymore! I’ve even had 2 different women borrow my scissors during my prenatal yoga classes and cut the waste band of their yoga pants because they are suddenly so tight and uncomfortable. Heading out to shop at the mall or going online looking for some maternity clothes can get pretty expensive. Do you really have the budget for a whole new wardrobe that you’re only going to wear for a few months?
Earth Mama Angel Baby - Tea

Not only do you need new clothes for work, but if you’re a regular exerciser, you’re going to have to invest in some workout clothes. Here’s a great alternative to spending a fortune on brand new maternity clothes: Shop online for previously loved maternity clothes. Need to find the right clothing to complement your changing body? Bellies to Babies offers previously loved maternity clothing for up to 80% off retail, plus, you can sell back your items for cash after baby is born. Bellies to Babies offers thousands of items online and has 2 locations if you live in the Twin Cities (Minnesota).

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