by Liza Janda | Apr 15, 2019 | Acupuncture in pregnancy, Anemia/Fatigue, baby, Being Pregnant, Nutrition For a Healthy Pregnancy, Yoga and Pregnancy |
You truly can enjoy your pregnancy and not worry so much or feel miserable. Try these 6 pregnancy tips to get the most out of this life-changing experience. 1. Eat More Protein and More Calories for a Healthier Pregnancy Yes, that’s right! I just gave you permission...
by Liza Janda | Mar 7, 2019 | Bringing Baby Home Postpartum Care, Essential Oils, Healing From Traumatic Birth, Hemorrhoids in Pregnancy and Birth, Swelling |
If you had a vaginal birth, your postpartum “LadyBits” are going to be sore, and swollen. These postpartum healing tips will ease the pain and reduce the swelling “down there” and help you heal faster and feel better. Drink Lots of Water. The...
by Liza Janda | Jun 6, 2018 | Nutrition For a Healthy Pregnancy, Swelling in Pregnancy |
These 3 simples solutions to reduce swelling in pregnancy are the key to doing all you can to have the healthiest pregnancy possible. If you put it in the perspective that you’re trying to create the healthiest environment for your baby (you are your baby’s...
by Liza Janda | May 23, 2018 | MTHFR gene mutation and pregnancy, Nutrition For a Healthy Pregnancy |
UNDERSTANDING MTHFR GENE MUTATION AND PREGNANCY BEFORE YOU GET PREGNANT The MTHFR gene plays an important role in processing amino acids and Vitamin B9 or folate. If either mother or father has a mutation of the MTHFR gene it can cause health problems, miscarriages...
by Liza Janda | May 18, 2018 | Anemia/Fatigue, Anemia/Fatigue, constipation in pregnancy, Heartburn, Itching Skin, Leg Cramps, Nutrition For a Healthy Pregnancy, Swelling |
Introducing the 7 most common complaints in pregnancy : Anemia/Fatigue Back Ache Constipation Heartburn Itching Skin Leg Cramps Swelling Anemia/Fatigue It takes a lot of work and red blood cells to build 50% more blood volume during pregnancy, not to mention growing...
by Liza Janda | Apr 15, 2018 | Nutrition For a Healthy Pregnancy |
3 Reasons why you should make sure you’re getting enough choline in your pregnancy diet to grow a healthy baby. Reason #1 Protects your baby against neural tube defects. Choline taken during pregnancy protects the fetus against spina bifida and other neural...