First of all, common pregnancy complaints can really take the fun out of being pregnant! 

Got any of these pregnancy symptoms? Anemia, Backache, Constipation, Heartburn, Itchy Skin, Leg Cramps, and Swelling in pregnancy! This list comprises the most common pregnancy discomforts and complaints. Take heart, there are remedies for every one of them. Furthermore, these tips and tricks are easy to implement.

Anemia and Fatigue in Pregnancy:

I learned about Enzymatic Therapy’s Energizing Iron from my midwife 20 years ago. Because of Energizing Iron, my red blood cell count increased at the end of my pregnancy, therefore I didn’t get tired or anemic.  Ancestral Supplements has a similar product and just as good – None of the nasty side effects of regular iron supplements (constipation and gas).


Backache in Pregnancy:

As a result of that growing belly, this is the most common of all pregnancy issues. For that reason, almost everyone who comes to my prenatal yoga classes tells me they are suffering from back pain during pregnancy. Take heart. There are solutions to backache in pregnancy too. Try these videos and blog posts.  As a result of just a few minutes a day, your back pain will go away:
Prenatal Yoga: 13 Minutes to a Healthy Back in Pregnancy
Sacroiliac Pain In Pregnancy: 10 Prenatal Yoga Poses To Strengthen and Stretch
10 Minutes To Banish Sciatica With Prenatal Yoga
Do pregnancy and back pain have to go together?
8 Essential Exercises to Avoid Backache in Pregnancy
Alanna Kaivalya – Rid Yourself of Back Pain From Yogadownload

My free 25 minute class can help if you're short on time.

Constipation Caused by Pregnancy:

1. Recently one of my students told me that this probiotic not only cured her extreme case of heartburn and nausea, but also cured her constipation, therefore, I’m spreading the word. Renew Life - Ultimate Flora Vaginal Support, 60 capsules

2. Avoid eating any refined or processed white flour products, potatoes, and white rice. Additionally, Sugar and cheeses should be avoided while you increase your fluid intake.

3. Furthermore, prune juice is an excellent natural laxative for pregnant women. Similarly, having applesauce for a snack can get your digestion functioning regularly again.

4.  Another way to stimulate bowel movements in the morning is to start your day with drinking hot beverages (or as warm as you can comfortably stand them) before you eat or drink anything else. Add lemon juice or just drink hot water plain.

5. Dandelion root tea- increases digestion and promotes bile to relieve constipation. As a result, it is one of the best herbs for cleansing and strengthening the liver, our main detoxifying organ.  Containing calcium and iron, roasted dandelion root's coffee-like flavor, is an excellent morning beverage.

Pregnancy Heartburn:

Due to taking this probiotic, one of my students said this particular probiotic cured her extreme case of heartburn. Renew Life - Ultimate Flora Vaginal Support, 60 capsules

  1. One of the most successful approaches to heartburn is to use overall pregnancy tonics, such as red raspberry leaf capsules, tincture, or tea, alfalfa capsules, and nettles infusion.

3.  Start moms out on one capsule (or dropper) three times per day (TID) and work up to three capsules. Expectant mothers often need to be reassured that they are not jeopardizing their babies as they would be if they were ingesting large quantities of “medicine”; rather they should consider these herbs to be true food supplements. Chris Hafner-Eaton, excerpted from “Heartburn Treatment Alternatives,” Birth Wisdom, Tricks of the Trade, Vol. III, a Midwifery Today

4.  Eat raw almonds throughout the day

5.  Drink aloe vera juice daily

6.  Drink coconut water

7. 2TBS unfiltered apple cider vinegar in water daily

8.  Eating papaya and pineapple helps give your stomach digestive enzymes.

Itching Skin During Pregnancy:

Itching skin during pregnancy can be caused by hormonal changes. Also remember that in later pregnancy your skin will stretch, consequently it can cause itching. Here's what to do:

  • Avoid mineral oil-based skin care products. Read the labels; most skin products are made with mineral oil.
  • Some women benefit from avoiding soap altogether. 
  • Choosing the most natural kind of shampoo, soap, and laundry products is always wise to protect your health and environment.
  • Many women have found that applying hexane-free castor oil softens and soothes dry and scaly skin.

Itching can often be alleviated by adding unrefined virgin olive oil to your diet. Also increase your intake of foods that are rich in vitamins A, D, and linolenic acids.

Vitamin A-rich foods:

  • fish liver oil, liver, vegetables, eggs, dairy products

Vitamin D sources:

  • Saltwater fish, sunlight (no tanning - use sunscreen), vitamin D-fortified dairy products, fish liver oil

Linolenic acid sources:

  • Flax seed oil, evening primrose oil, sardines


Pruritis Gravidarum Caused by Pregnancy:

  • Between 0.02 and 2.4% of pregnant women are diagnosed with a condition called pruritus gravidarum (also called PUPS), a kind of itching unique to pregnancy.
  • It is related to elevated estrogen and progesterone levels interfering with the liver's efficiency in excreting bile salts.
  • Usually appears in the third trimester, and the itching is severe.
  • Abrasions caused by scratching and contact with clothing can be very painful.

If this happens to you, you should support your liver with the following herbs:

  • Dandelion: a detoxifying herb that supports liver function
  • Yellow dock: relieves heat in the circulatory system and builds iron supply
  • Burdock: dispels toxins utilizing diuresis (peeing toxins out)
  • Beet root: nourishing and supportive, promotes elimination, cleanses the liver.

Drink 64 oz. of water daily.  

Leg cramps in Pregnancy:

Leg cramps during pregnancy can occur when the calcium and magnesium ratio is either not in proper balance or lacks these minerals in your overall diet. A lack of these can also cause an increase in uterine contractions. During pregnancy, your calcium/magnesium and vitamin D requirements are increased.
Unfortunately your prenatal vitamins may not have the right balance of the following essential vitamin combinations.  In pregnancy, you need: Calcium 1200mg, Magnesium 600mg, Vitamin D 400 IU. 

Swelling in Pregnancy:

Some swelling starting at 37-38 weeks gestation is normal.  Before that time during your pregnancy, it can indicate that your nutrition is inadequate to nourish you and your baby and increase blood volume. 

Increase your protein intake to ensure you are getting 100 grams of protein daily. You can download a free app like my fitness pal or CalorieKing. Salt your food to taste. You need more salt during pregnancy as you are making 1/3 more blood than when you are not pregnant.

Drink dandelion leaf tea if a diuretic is needed to relieve fluid retention.

Because of its high potassium content, it does not deplete the body of this important mineral, as other diuretics are known to do: and For relief of standard edema with no other symptoms, potassium supplementation, either in capsule form or food form (bananas and apricots are excellent sources) will substantially alleviate excess fluid. Lemon tea (10 oz of water with 2 Tbsp. fresh lemon and 2 Tbsp. pure maple syrup) can be consumed, hot or cold, every morning to flush the kidneys. Of course, it is always important to maintain appropriate water intake as well. Judy Ballinger, RN. Also read about swelling in The Brewer Pregnancy Diet: